Robert Morgan, Naturopath

Some Quick And Easy Ways To Reduce Your Risk of Getting Cancer

Creative Healths Thirty Quick and Easy Ways to Reduce Your Risk of Getting Cancer

  1. Breathe deeply and fully to increase oxygenation of your tissues and minimize cancer risk.  Cancer can’t thrive in well oxygenated environment.
  2. Get plenty of sunshine.  Vitamin D is made in your skin from exposure to sunlight. Maintaining appropriate blood levels of vitamin D has been shown to protect against many forms of cancer. 
  3. Drink a green smoothie every day and don’t forget the energy soups as they contain lots of fresh raw cancer fighting fruits, vegetables, sprouts and greens.
  4. Drink fresh wheatgrass everyday.   There have been several prominent studies which show a definite reduction in cell mutation in rats fed wheat grass juice along with a highly carcinogenic substance called benzopyrene compared to when they were fed the benzopyrene alone.  Grass extracts have demonstrated the ability to inhibit growth of human prostate, breast and melanoma cancer cells in a study done at George Washington University Medical Centre.  While wheat grass juice may not be the tastiest juice you can drink, it sure does appear to be one of the most health promoting ones.
  5. Eat an alkalizing diet. Your blood maintains its pH slightly alkaline at 7.35.  Life presents acid residue at every turn – when you exercise, get stressed, and in the foods and chemicals you take into your body. Foods that create an alkaline residue help balance life’s acids.  Cancer thrives in an acid environment.
  6. Avoid animal foods.  Study after study has reported on the cancer protective effects of a diet free of meat and dairy products.  One of the most renowned is the “China Study”, conducted by T. Colin Campbell, and published in a book with the same name.  Animal foods are devoid of fiber and travel slowly through your digestive track, producing toxic metabolic wastes en route.   One mechanism proposed for the increased cancer rates in meat eaters is that the digestion of meat requires large quantities of the pancreatic enzymes trypsin and chymotrypsin, which leaves less of these enzymes available to dissolve the protein coat on cancer cells.
  7. Cancer cells thrive on sugar.  It’s best to eliminate all forms of refined sugar, and if you already have cancer, its best to eliminate all sweet foods, including fruit, with the exception perhaps of those fruits mentioned below,  used therapeutically for their cancer fighting properties.
  8. Eat from the sea. In addition to being an excellent source of minerals that support your immune system, sea vegetables contain substances which bind to heavy metals and toxins and eliminate them from your body.  Powdered sea vegetables like kelp and dulse can be added to salads, soups and smoothies.
  9. Chew your food thoroughly.  When you eat under stress and on the run, your digestion becomes inefficient.  Toxic residues accumulate from unchewed and undigested food, leaving you more prone to immune stress and cancer formation. Dr. Ann Wigmore even chewed her wheatgrass drinks and ate in silence.
  10. Drink plenty of alkaline water. Insufficient hydration decreases your kidney’s ability to excrete water soluble toxins.  Recirculation of these poisons increases your cancer risk.  Rule of thumb is ½ your body weight in fluid ounces each day.
  11. Exercise daily.  Cancer cells thrive in an environment deprived of oxygen.
  12. Keep your colon clean.  You need to be having at least three good sized bowel movements each day to keep the waste flowing out.  Sluggish bowels predispose you to toxic recirculation and increased risk of cancer.
  13. Eat lots of green leafy vegetables every day.  They are loaded with cancer protective phytochemicals,  minerals and nutrients that protect from cancer and disrupt the functioning of cancer cells.
  14. Eat carrots, which contain thousands, of phytonutrients, many of which have already been identified for their cancer-fighting abilities.
  15. Eat plenty of sulforaphane.  Say what?  Sounds like the name of a chemotherapy drug.  It, in fact, is a compound found in the cruciferous family of vegetables.  These are broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, kale and all their relatives.  Sulphorophane blocks cancer cells.  Broccoli, cabbage, and cauliflower also contain a compound called indole-3-carbinol that can combat breast cancer by converting a cancer-promoting estrogen into a more protective variety. If that’s not enough to have you packing in the crucifers, they also contain lutein and zeaxanthin, antioxidants that help decrease prostate and other cancers.
  16. Make sure you get ellagic acid into your diet.  It’s found in about 46 different foods. The highest concentrations are in berries, particularly raspberries, and pomegranates, grapes and walnuts. Ellagic acid stops cancer cells from mitosis, the process they use to replicate themselves, prevents destruction of the p53 tumor suppressor gene, and causes cancer cells to commit suicide. 
  17. Enjoy raw pineapple and papaya.  In addition to lots of vitamin C, they contain the enzymes bromelain, papain and pexoxidase that have been shown to have anti-cancer properties.
  18. Season your food with cancer protective herbs and spices.  Turmeric is extremely powerful as an antioxidant and anti-cancer agent. It inhibits production of cyclo-oxygenase 2 (COX-2), which reduces inflammation and cancer cell growth, especially bowel and colon cancer. Rosemary contains carnosol, which inhibits breast and skin tumors in animals. Rosemary may help increase the activity of detoxification enzymes.
  19. Give your body an oil change.  Heated oils oxidize, causing cancer-producing free radicals to form.  Switch them out for raw omega 3 fats like flax seeds, chia seeds and hemp seeds.  Minimize the use of oils.  Instead choose whole food fats.
  20. Eat organic foods as much as possible.   Pesticides affect your immune system and detoxification systems and put you at higher risk of cancer. Take a look at the “Dirty Dozen and the Clean 15 listings of the best as worst foods when it comes to chemical contamination.
  21. Eat tomatoes.  They contain lycopene, an antioxidant that attacks cancer promoting free radicals.  Blend them into a sauce with rosemary, basil, thyme and oregano for extra immune support.
  22. Eat flax seeds, which contain antioxidant lignans that block or suppress cancerous growth.
  23. Eat beets on your salads.  They contain anti-cancer proanthocyanidins (OPC’s).
  24. Be sure to find away to get mushrooms into your diet. There are a number of studies that have shown them to have cancer protective phyto-chemicals and they are effective and immune building effects, including shiitake, maitake, and reishi.   The mushrooms contain lentinan, beta glucan and  lectin –powerful substances  that help build immunity.
  25. Eat red grapes, especially concord grapes with the seeds.  They contain cancer protective compounds such as ellagic acid, catechin, quercetin, oligomeric proanthocyanidins (OPC), resveratrol, pterostilbene, selenium, lycopene, lutein, laetrile, beta-carotene, caffeic acid and/or ferulic acid and gallic acid!  There are several books written about a cancer treatment called the grape cure, during which a water fast is followed by a diet of blended grapes.  The idea is that the cancer cells love the grapes because of their high sugar content and while eating the sugar, they are poisoned by the chemo therapy that grapes naturally contain.
  26. Eat plenty of Garlic.  Its immune-enhancing allium compounds .increase the activity of immune cells that fight cancer, help block carcinogens from entering cells, and indirectly help break down and slow tumor development. Diallyl sulfide, a compound found in the oil of garlic, has been shown to deactivate carcinogens in the liver.
  27. Eat  a couple of Brazil nuts every day.  They provide cancer protective selenium, an essential mineral.  Other nuts contain the antioxidants quercetin and campferol that may suppress the growth of cancers.
  28. Keep cholesterol levels in a safe range.  Excess cholesterol can trigger cancer proliferative estrogens.
  29. Use “Green” cleaning products.  Products using natural substance reduce the toxic load.  Many of the chemicals used in commercial cleaning products are carcinogenic.
  30. Take a break from the news.  Studies show that the biochemical changes that occur when you’re stressed worried or feeling powerless affect tumor growth and spread by effecting DNA repair and the regulation of cell growth.


Love and blessings, Bobby


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