Robert Morgan, Naturopath

You Are Wonderfully Made – Things You May Have Not Known About Your Body

These wonderful bodies of ours are the most complex organisms on earth. Needing constant care and upkeep they should have come with an owner’s manual. Unfortunately they don’t. As a teacher and raw living food nutritionist, here at Creative Health Institute, I am working with people from all walks of life and from every socioeconomic level imaginable. The one thing they all have in common is, they know very little about their bodies. Knowing our bodies and how the major systems work can make a great difference in how we perceive ourselves and how healthy we will be in the future.

Many of you who have not had the chance to attend CHI have called or written us, saying you would like to know more about your body and how it works. So to help you, we have developed a short version of the detailed Owner’s Manual, we supply guests and students, who attend our five and ten day deox/rebuild programs.

Your Brain

If you are an average adult male your brain weighs about 3 pounds, if you are a woman it will weigh a little less.  The average number of neurons in the human brain is about  100 billion, packed with nerve cells your brain reaches its maximum size and potential at the age of twenty and then slowly deteriorates as cells die off thereafter. Specific parts of your brain have specific functions. For example, the back portion of your brain controls the sense of sight while the front part governs thought and personality. To keep your brain healthy, drink lots of pure water, eat living foods,  exercise it regularly, feeding it a variety of different tasks – and also don’t forget to give it some time off.

Your Bones

When you were born you may have had more than 300 bones in your body by the time you reach adulthood the number of bones has decreased to around 208. Your thigh bone is the largest bone in your body. Some of the smallest are the bones in your wrist. There are 5 classifications of bones:

  • Long Bones — “longer than they are wide:” clavicle, humerus, radius, ulna, femur, tibia, fibula, metatarsals, metacarpals. These bones provide support and allow us to create movement.
  • Short Bones: carpals and tarsals: consist mainly spongy bone covered with a thin layer of compact bone. These bones also help to allow movement, provide elasticity, flexibility and work as shock absorbers.
  • Flat Bones:  ribs, sternum and scapula. These bones are designed to protect organs  and provide attachment sites for muscles.
  • Irregular Bones:  skull, pelvis, and vertebrae. We need these bones to support our weight,  protect our spinal cord, help us move more easily and to provide sites for muscle attachment.
  • Sesamoid Bones:  are short bones embedded within a tendon or a patella. These bones alter the angle of insertion of the muscle for more fluid movement and strength.

Every bone in your body is covered with a thin, dense membrane which contains a network of nerves and blood vessels that nourish that individual bone. At the core of each bone is are two types  marrow which have the consistency of  a thick jelly.  The red marrow, produces red blood cells (which carry oxygen), white blood cells (which fight infection), or platelets (that help stop bleeding). There is also yellow marrow, at the center, which stores fats. . The marrow has the important job of making new blood cells.

Your Heart

Located in the middle of the chest behind the breastbone, between the lungs, the heart rests in a moistened chamber called the pericardial cavity which is surrounded by the ribcage.  The average human heart beats 70 times a minute. In 70 years it will beat over 2,500 MILLION times, as it pumps oxygen and nutrient rich blood to all of your body’s systems. Your body contains 8 to 10 pints of blood and in a single day your heart pumps all of you’re blood throughout your body more than 2000 times. Your heart is roughly the same size and shape as your fist. The average weight of a female human heart is 9 ounces and a male’s heart is 10.5 ounces. The apex of the heart (pointed end) points down and to the left. It is 5 inches (12 cm) long, 3.5 inches (8-9 cm) wide and 2.5 inches (6 cm) from front to back, and is roughly the size of your fist. Your heart will last longer if you incorporate raw living foods at a high level and avoid processed foods as well as cooked foods that sugars and fats. Also, keep in mind excess stress can cause your heart to malfunction and can wreck havoc with other organs in your body.

Your Intestines

The intestines are the part of the digestive system between the stomach and the anus. They are all coiled up to fit inside your abdomen. The small intestine is a tube about 21 feet if you are an adult. It is greyish-purple in color and has a diameter of about 1.25 inches. The small intestine is where most chemical digestion takes place. Most of the digestive enzymes that act in the small intestine are secreted by the pancreas and enter the small intestine via the pancreatic duct. The enzymes enter the small intestine in response to the hormone cholecystokinin, which is produced in the small intestine in response to the presence of nutrients. The hormone secretin also causes bicarbonate to be released into the small intestine from the pancreas in order to neutralize the potentially harmful acid coming from the stomach.

The large intestine is much shorter, only about 5 to 7 feet long, with a diameter averaging around 2 inches. The large intestine takes about 32 hours to finish doing its job. It does not break down food as this has already taken place in the small intestine. The large intestine absorbs water and electrolytes from the approximate chime which has been excreted from the small intestine and passes through the ileocecal valve daily. The large intestine absorbs vitamins which are created by the colonic bacteria, compacts feces and stores fecal matter in the rectum until it can be discharged via the anus. The wall of the intestines (bowel) is made up of three parts. The serosa which is very thin and is on the outside of the intestine. The intestines muscle wall which is the thickest part and is made of rings of muscles. These muscles work to squeeze the food (peristalsis)  slowly along the intestine and the last is the mucosa lining which lines the insides of the intestines.

Your Kidneys

You have two kidneys – one on each side of your spine, embedded in fat. Each kidney in the average adult weighs just over one quarter of a pound. You can also estimate your kidneys weight as being  about 0.5 percent of your total body weight.   The kidneys are small organs by weight, but they have a big job as they receive a huge amount – twenty  percent at any one time,  of the blood that is pumped by your heart.  Both kidneys contain a complex filtration system. All the blood in your body passes through your kidneys every few minutes so the kidneys can remove any waste substances. Your kidneys receive the blood from the renal artery, process it, return the processed blood to the body through the renal vein and­ remove the wastes and other unwanted substances in the urine. Urine flows from the kidneys through the ureters to the bladder. In the bladder, the urine is stored until it is excreted from the body through the urethra. If your kidneys don’t work properly wastes will accumulate and eventually produce blood poisoning. Give your kidneys a boost by drinking plenty of fresh, pure water and rejuvelac every day.

Your Liver

The liver is the largest glandular organ of the body. The average adult liver weighs about three pounds. Another way to estimate it size is as percentage of your weight, 2.5% being the most used percentage. It is reddish brown in color and is divided into four lobes of unequal size and shape and is located on your right hand side looking down – just underneath your ribs, just beneath your diaphragm. Your liver helps produce red blood cells, manufactures antibodies which fight infection, makes enzymes, stores iron, vitamins and carbohydrates, produces bile which helps digest fats and breaks down drugs and poisons into waste chemicals. Blood is carried to the liver via two large vessels called the hepatic artery and the portal vein. The heptic artery carries oxygen-rich blood from the aorta (a major vessel in the heart). The portal vein carries blood containing digested food from the small intestine. These blood vessels subdivide in the liver repeatedly, terminating in very small capillaries. Each capillary leads to a lobule. Liver tissue is composed of thousands of lobules, and each lobule is made up of hepatic cells, the basic metabolic cells of the liver.  All this chemical activity produces so much heat that your liver plays an important part in keeping your body warm. Your liver love raw living food and continue to serve you faithfully as long as you don’t stress it with too much fat, sugar and/or alcohol.

Your Lungs

When you were born your lungs were small, solid and yellow. When you took your first breath your lungs expanded and turned pink and by the time you reach adulthood your lungs combined weight is around eleven pounds.  Your lungs lie inside your rib cage within your chest, separated by the heart and mediastinum. The right lung is a little larger and has three lobes and the left lung two.  A bronchus, an artery and a vein enter each lung . The terminal airways or bronchioles expand into small clusters of grapelike air cells, the alveoli, the average adult has more than 350,000 of them, which make up the alveolar walls.  A small network of blood capillaries in the walls of the alveoli handle the exchange of gases. Deoxygenated blood from the heart  is pumped through the pulmonary artery to the lungs, where oxygen is sent into the blood and is exchanged for carbon dioxide. The oxygen-rich blood returns to the heart via the pulmonary veins to be pumped back throughout your body. If you live in the country and breathe fresh air your lungs stay pink. If you smoke or live in the city your lungs gradually get darker. Take care of your lungs by eating more fruits, vegetables, sprouts and greens. Stay away from smokers and keep your stress levels down.

Your Muscles

Half your body weight is made up of muscles – there are over 600 of them. Each muscle is a separate organ controlled by its own nervous system and supplied by its own blood vessels. You have three different types of muscles in your body.

·         Smooth muscles are sometimes also called involuntary muscles These muscles are controlled by your brain and body and you do not have to ever think about what they should be doing.  These muscles are found throughout your bodies organs and work behind the scenes to insure your bodies systems are functioning at the highest level possible.

·         Cardiac muscle is what enables your heart  to contract to pump blood out and then relax to let blood back in after it has circulated through the body and been reoxygenated in the lungs. Just like smooth muscle, cardiac muscle works all by itself with no help from you. A special group of cells within the heart are known as the pacemaker of the heart because it controls the heartbeat.

·         Skeletal Muscles are voluntary muscles. You are in control what they do. You can use them at will (running, lifting, kicking, punching etc)  These muscles help to make up the musculoskeletal system and work with your bones to give your body power and strength. Skeletal muscles come in many different sizes and shapes to allow them to do many types of jobs. Some of your biggest and most powerful muscles are in your back, near your spine. These muscles help keep you upright and standing tall.

To keep your muscles in trim, exercise them regularly eat raw living foods and don’t forget to massage and rest them if they are sore or painful.

Your Pancreas

Tucked in between your stomach and your duodenum and connected to your small intestine at the duodenum. Producing the juices which carry hormones to vital systems and the enzymes which help digest the food you eat. Your pancreas is about 7 inches long and 1.5 inches wide. Most of the pancreatic tissue consists of grapelike clusters of cells that produce a clear fluid (pancreatic juice) that flows into the duodenum through a common duct along with bile from the liver. Pancreatic juice contains three digestive enzymes: tryptase (digests protein), amylase (digests carbohydrates) and lipase (digests fats), these  along with intestinal enzymes, enable your body to assimilate the nutrients it needs to function. Within  the enzyme-producing cells of the pancreas are small groups of endocrine cells, called the islets of Langerhans, that secrete two hormones, insulin and glucagon. The pancreatic islets contain several other types of hormones,  as well. These two are especially important as they help us control our blood sugar levels. Insulin is secreted by the islets beta cells of the pancreas in response to high blood sugar, although a low level of insulin is always secreted by the pancreas.  After a meal, the amount of insulin secreted into the blood increases as the blood glucose rises.  Likewise, as blood glucose falls, insulin secretion by the pancreatic islet beta cells decreases. In response to insulin, cells (muscle, red blood cells, and fat cells) take glucose in from the blood, which ultimately lowers the high blood glucose levels back to the normal range. Glucagon is secreted by the alpha cells when blood glucose is low.   Blood glucose becomes low between meals and during exercise.  When blood glucose is high, no glucagon is secreted from the islets alpha cells.  Glucagon has the greatest effect on the liver although it affects many different cells in the body.  Glucagon’s function is to cause the liver to release stored glucose from its cells into the blood.  Glucagon also the production of glucose by the liver out of building blocks obtained from other nutrients found in the body, for example, protein.  To help keep your pancreas in top condition eat a diet high raw vegan diet and avoid cigarettes, excess sugar and too much alcohol.

Your Skin

The total weight of skin in an average adult human is around six pounds. Skin keeps the rest of your body neatly wrapped, protecting muscles helps control your body temperature, keeps out infection, serves as a waterproof barrier, protects delicate tissues which lay underneath it and mends itself when its ‘damaged. How does it do all this?

Your skin is made of many thin sheets of layers of cells in nerves, blood vessels, hair follicles, glands, and sensory receptors.  Your skin is constantly renewing itself as older cells are constantly being pushed to the surface by new cells which grow from below. When the old ones reach the top, they fall off your body, in fact, every minute 30,000-40,000 dead skin cells fall from your body! It takes about a month for your body to make a whole new layer of skin cells.  This shedding process creates around 40 pounds of dead skin cell in the average human beings lifetime the skin on your palms and the soles of your feet is one twentieth of an inch thick but the skin on your face is ten times thinner. To keep your skin in good condition moisturize it regularly and eat mostly a diet consisting of raw living foods.


Love and Blessings,



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